Friday 29 January 2016

Determine Purpose, Procedure and Roles

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well today. I will be discussing the next two types of effective team building skills. Last time we discussed establishing small teams and encouraging diversity. Today, you will learn how to determine the purpose, procedures and roles in a group setting.

What exactly is meant by determining the purpose, procedures and roles you may ask? Well, once you have established your small group, it is time to discuss what your topic will be about - what exactly is your project on? What do you want to discuss? Once you have that figured out, it is time to give each team member a specific goal. If each individual is given a role, things will flow more smoothly. 

"Members must understand the task at hand and what is expected of them. Teams function best when operating procedures are ironed out early and each member assumes a specific role." (Business Communication, 2016, p.41)  For example, there are multiple roles that can be given to each person in the group; the facilitator, the implementer, resource investigator and the gatekeeper. 

The facilitator is also known as the leader. The leader is in charge of assigning roles to the team members. Roles, essentially, are based off of an individual's skill. For example, to be a leader, one needs to be good at directing others what to do

The implementer is someone who wants the task to be done properly and on a time based schedule. Implementors get things done on time and have the ability to transform discussions into practical activities. 

The resource investigator is a strong communicator and excellent at negotiating. Resource investigators are necessary when you need in depth research on a project. "Resource Investigators are curious and sociable in their nature they are open to new ideas and ways of accomplishing tasks.  Being flexible, innovative and open to change, Resource Investigators are listened to by other team members.  Sometimes, however, they are unrealistic in their optimism." (Roles in Groups and Teams)

gatekeeper is someone who keeps the group on the task and limits distractions. Gatekeepers are excellent when it comes to making sure everyone stays on task and gets the project done before the due date.

Roles in Groups and Teams. (n.d.). 
Retrieved from

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